
Pourquoi Jessica a-t-elle quitté Brandon ?

Why did Jessica leave Brandon?

The scene takes place in a Starbucks. In a low key lounge, clients are chatting around a hot drink selected among a greater variety. Jessica and Brandon are sitting at the back of the room, next to the bow window. And that's when Jessica utters this terrible phrase: Brandon, you either talk to me, or I leave you.

Let's kill the suspense from the get go: Jessica is about to leave Brandon. Sorry, it's the way tragedy works, knowing the way it ends from the beginning. What we're interested in is the reason why “Jessica leaves Brandon.” And to get to that, first, we must understand who Brandon is, and, more precisely, what kind of world Brandon lives in. Because it's in this world that lies the enigma, and it's in this world that lies the answer...

This play, apparently as insignificant as it is universal, is the impulse for an entertaining theatre documentary entering the world, and following the footsteps of a drone pilot turned whistleblower. With the help of various digital tools (video games, projections, digital music etc.), ranging from gesticulated conference to Brandon’s personal tragic tale, Emmanuel De Candido and Pierre Solot create a live reconstruction of a “digital native” puzzle, in which each piece touches upon the complex notions of a hyper-connected society: reality, virtual reality, fiction, the concept of clean war, as well as the fascinating power of the media...



Le duo construit une devinette fascinante, où tout finit par s’imbriquer avec génie. Piano, vidéo, rayons ultra-violets, karaoké, bruitages : impossible de citer toutes les digressions qui, en plus de poser des questions existentielles, dressent le portrait d’une génération, née dans les années 80, tellement saturée de clics numériques – select your music, select your food, select your game – qu’elle en débranche parfois son âme.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ LE SOIR — Catherine Makereel
Une œuvre utile et ludique, intelligente, drôle, grave, voire déstabilisante. (…) Un récit à clef, un puzzle critique de l’hyperconnexion, diablement efficace dans la forme, passionnant dans le fond.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ LA LIBRE BELGIQUE — Marie Baudet
À la fin de la démonstration, le sourire se fige et fait place à l’effroi dans un crescendo redoutable…
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ L’ECHO — Bernard Roisin
On ne peut qu’admirer le travail en parfaite complicité de ces deux artistes qui se connaissent depuis belle lurette et ont souvent conjugué leurs talents
⭐️⭐️⭐️ RTBF — Dominique Mussche